A big part of good parenting is establishing respect between parents and children. Your child needs to know what you expect of her, and you in turn must learn to listen and wait.
1. Slow down. Babies and children live in a different time frame from adults' - usually a much slower one. Keep this in mind as you talk to your child, care for her and go about your day together.
2. Observe your child. You'll be amazed at how well you'll get to know your child by sitting back and watching. This focused awareness will help you better understand moods, abilities and temperament. Listening is important, too.
3. Stay optimistic. Optimism is contagious; so is negativity. Show your child through your behavior how to overcome minor setbacks. Children emulate their parents' attitudes and habits, so it will help if you have a positive outlook.
4. Accept and acknowledge your child's feelings and desires. Let her know it's OK if she feels sad, scared or angry. You can say, 'It looks like you're sad because your friend went home' or 'It seems that you're mad because I put the ball away.'
5. Tell your child your expectations. Children won't always comply right away, but they need to understand clearly what a parent expects: 'I want you to put on your sweater. We're going outside,' or 'I want your feet to stay off the couch.'
6. Set appropriate limits. Even when you acknowledge a feeling or desire, you must make a child aware of appropriate behavior and rules: 'I can see you're mad at your friend because he took the toy from you, but I won't let you hit him. Hitting is not something we do in our family. What else can you do?'
7. Wait. Let your child do as much as she can on her own - learn to walk, put on her socks, resolve conflicts with her friends. Anxiety or the desire to help often tempts parents to rush in and solve the problem for the child. A better response would be to wait and see what your child can manage on her own. She might surprise you.
8. Behave genuinely. Just as you accept your child's moods, though not always his behavior, it's OK to have a sad or angry thought yourself and express it appropriately: 'I'm really tired right now but I'm listening to you.' A parent's genuineness prepares a child for life.
9. Nurture yourself and your marriage. Make arrangements to have some guilt-free time to take care of your own needs. Plan a date with your partner and forget the kids for a while. You'll be a happier person and a better parent.
Website: http://www.ehow.com/how_4872_be-parent.html
We found that this article is important for the parents to know about way on how to be a good parent while treating their child/children. It is because some parents might miss out some of the important points while with their little ones. For example, when a child does something wrong, then the parent will just blame on the child and scold the child without finding out what’s wrong to the child. Children are actually zero which mean do not know anything. They are born to be love by families, to learn from the adults, and enjoy their childhood.
Pick up the points that you agree with and which is important for you may help you to build a better and good relationship between you and your child/children. A parent with good attitude can let their child/children stay in a harmony and safe environment. Moreover, parent is important to be a good role model because children are always the first think that their parents are good enough to imitate in everything. So, from the way how parents behave, the children for sure will learn from it.
Therefore, we have decided to share some information to all the parents in order to let the parents to know what should be done on themselves. So, it is important for the parents to play an important role in front of the child/children. This may make a difference to their child/children. We will also keep this important article in our mind so that when we have our own child/children, then we are able to know how to be a good parent!
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